An Asian Christian woman living in London blogging about the everyday issues of religion

Wednesday 17 November 2010

'If you are an atheist when you're my age, you don't kow shit'

James Ellroy, the author, said that in an
interview given to this week's New Statesman. I wouldn't use the s...t word in my blog and would only dare to do so in reported speech form. What struck me was how brave a pronounciation it is. While the world pussyfoots around Atheism so as not to be politically incorrect towards those who don't have religion someone actually dares to challenge a non-faith existence. In the interview Ellroy equates morality with religious life and says that Atheism and Agnosticism don't produce the same values in non-believers. The whole 'is religion a driver for morality versus humanist' argument is both a circular and a secular one which I don't want to repeat here. The point of my post is simply to say 'Hurrah' over someone being brave enough to state what he thinks about being a Christian.

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