An Asian Christian woman living in London blogging about the everyday issues of religion

Thursday 10 March 2011

My Network of Christian Bloggers-add yourself too

Christian bloggers are a friendly bunch of people willing to take risks and explore new pastures. I posted a blog a few days ago with the intention of creating a mini network of bloggers and asked visitors to leave details of themselves. Well, it worked and I am delighted and grateful to the bloggers who took the time to tell me about themselves. They are as follows:

Nancy Wallace, a CoE priest in the UK. Her interests are christian theology, social justice, ethics, music, watercolour adn history. Nancy has written a really good blog post on the Samaritan woman.

Ellie Finlay is a solitary nun who lives in Oklahoma. She runs a small non-profit organisation called St John's Centre for Spiritual Formation. Ellie has a myriad of interest and two other blogs. She has posted an essay on 'All Will Be well' - Polyanna Platitude or Responsible Mystic Theodicy? on the blog I have listed.

Rick is an episcopal priest in Nevada, USA, with a huge interest in his lawn. Rick's blog has a funny post on
'The 7 Best and Worst Things about Being an Episcopal Priest'.

Robert is a teacher in Birmingham, UK. I have huge respect for teachers because they are creating our adults of tomorrow. Robert has a thought provoking post on how salvation is reached. He has another blog on beekeeping at

Paul is a retired Episcopal priest living in New Mexico, USA, and describes himself as 'one of God's odd children'. His blog is an interesting mix of politics and religion. I am always interested in the interplay between the two.

6. JCF doesn't have a blog but do look out for his incisive and humorous comments elsewhere. He describes himself as 'GenderQueer, Episcopal lifer (laity)'.

This is one of the most entertaining blogs around hosted by two men, one being Andy who left a comment. He is, in his words, a Christian, husband, volunteer Church youthworker, webdesigner / social media geek  and taker of photos.

Margaret is a busy woman who seems to be an expert at multi-tasking. A true woman! She has numerous blogs, lives in Yorkshire and is reading Delia Smith's 'A Feast For Lent'.

Florence is an eclectic mix. She is 'Bespectacled and more than slightly misanthropic, laBiscuitnapper is a curious mix of contradictions and personality disfunctions. She is a Physics with Theoretical Physics student at Manchester University, a sceptic, cynic and closet romantic. If you don't know what to make of it, just imagine what it's like for her.' Florence has written a blog post on loneliness and I am full of admiration for her honesty and franknesss.

A mummy blogger living in America who holds competitions on her blog. Pop over if you fancy some goodies.

This wouldn't be complete without a mention of Mad Priest who manages to hold us all together with his wit, wisdom, dirty jokes and rantings against injustice.


  1. Thanks for the mention and the introductions to some other interesting blogs.

  2. Hi Chelliah, I'm glad to come across your blog. I've been blogging for around three years now. By all means add me to your eclectic list. By the way, my name's Phil Wood, my blog is 'radref', I'm a Mennonite living in London. Here's the blog:
