An Asian Christian woman living in London blogging about the everyday issues of religion

Friday, 19 August 2011

Yipee! I am a Huffpost Blogger

I am still walking around in a daze. I received my invitation yesterday via email. I have been reading the site for two years now and am constantly in awe of the amount of news it carries, the varying viewpoints and the multitude of writers who manage to convey intelligent analysis.Soon I will be a part of this. I now have to provide my details and wait for the technical process to be completed (my log in details and access) before I start posting material.

My blogging life started a year ago in August 2010 when I was standing for election to General Synod. Nobody read my blog for 3 to 4 months and I lost the election. I gave up. After a month I checked my email and there was one from Mad Priest @ Rev Jonathan Hagger welcoming me to the Christian blogsphere. I was stunned and am always grateful to MP for this. That got me blogging again. Soon after this Father David Cloake sent me words of encouragement. My blogroll on the right of this page consists of people who feel like friends.

I feel a deep sense of gratitude to God and those who have supported me. Thank you.


  1. Congratulations Chelliah and thank you for your encouragement.

  2. Dear Nancy,
    Thank you very much for your kind words.
    God bless

  3. Well done Chelliah/Jane , AND I hope you get on Synod next time round. You are well known now too, and David Cloake and the Mad Priest do a good job encouraging us on don't they, and so different in their blogstyles.

    Keep going - We are listening to you!

  4. Dear Margaret,
    You and Nancy have really touched my heart with your kind words. Thank you for your support and I am following the progress on the building works.
    god bless

  5. Congratulations, Jane. That's great!

  6. Hi Anita,
    Thank you very much. Did you get my tweet? I was so sorry about what happened to you in Sweden.
    God bless

  7. Hello, Oops, must have missed your tweet. Just saw it now. I haven't really got the hang of twitter, alas! Not enough hours in the day.
    Yes, I was far too trusting and complacent. I guess I'll never leave valuables in the car again. It's sad, isn't it, how one gets more suspicious and fearful as one gets older!!
