An Asian Christian woman living in London blogging about the everyday issues of religion

Wednesday 3 April 2013

The Jim Royle Take on Welfare

Below is a fantastic article written by Ricky Tomlinson in the Guardian that debunks the welfare myths. 
I urge you to read the rest on the site.  
"Welfare reform, my arse. Has Jim Royle parked his chair, feet up, telly on, in the corridors between the Treasury and the Department for Work and Pensions? Employing him as adviser can be the only explanation for the utter rubbish that boils forth from this government on welfare.
Who else could have dreamed up the bedroom tax, a policy so stupid it forces people to leave their homes and drag themselves around the country in search of nonexistent one-bedroom flats?
That one has to be the result of too many hours in front of Jeremy Kyle (no offence) with the heating on full and a can of super-strength lager. It seems as if that is how this government views ordinary people: feckless and useless – poor, because they brought it on themselves, deliberately.
Maybe the cabinet is confused. Twenty-three millionaires in the one room can get like that. But do you know what, enough. Let's call this government's welfare policy what it is – wrong, nasty and dishonest.
Off the top of my head, I can list 10 porkies they are spinning to justify the latest stage of their attack on our 70-year-old welfare state."


  1. He is so right.
    This government staggers from one disastrous decision to another and yet, for some reason they are still in power.
    If they are still there at the end of their full term of office there will no longer be any vestige of care for those most in need to be seen.
    They are, one by one, demolishing removing the scaffolding from every good bit of building done by previous, more long-sighted governments.
    Soon there will be nothing left between the man in the street and destitution.
    The gap between the haves, and the have-nots, is rapidly becoming a ravine.

  2. So true Ray and what is ironic is that the current status of 'haves' don't seem to realise that they could easily become the 'have-nots' given the paucity of jobs and job insecurity.
